02 Dec 2016
This post is part of the F# Advent Calendar 2016. Check it out for two F# blog posts a day for the whole month of December. And special thanks to Sergey Tihon for organizing this!
What the most efficient way to get the F# community into the christmas spirit? Someone using F# in production, surely.
So today I’m going to give a little intro to our latest project, and reflect a bit on the challenges we faced.
26 May 2016
In my department at PFA Pension we use F# Interactive (FSI) a lot in our development. My current project is liability modeling, where I need to keep track of a lot of insurance policies. As such, a lot of collections are being displayed in FSI.
The standard printer in FSI is decent, but I find it gets unwieldy as soon as the types in your collection has more than, say, 3-4 properties. If your type is composed of other types with their own properties, then it’s pretty much impossible to glean any useful information from the output.
20 Jan 2016
Yesterday I presented a talk at the functional programming Copenhagen meetup. It was about our use of F# in the actuarial team at PFA Pension, where I gave some examples of neat use cases and our general experience using the language.
01 Dec 2015
This post is part of the F# Advent Calendar 2015. Check it out for two F# blog posts a day for the whole month of December. And special thanks to Sergey Tihon for organizing this!
Today I’m going to show you a little bit of game theory modelling with F#. We’ll take a common pub dice game, construct a game tree out of it and then analyze it with the Gambit game theory tool.
No prior knowledge of game theory is needed! Gambit will do the math for us; we just need to familiarise ourselves with some of the concepts to be able to output something it can analyze.